LO: Students will explore ways for taking detailed notes.

CO: Students will understand about how to order food and drinks 

L OBJ:Students will able to read and answers 

Listen to audio 1 and you will listen to two friends ordering food and drinks at a restaurant. Answer all the questions with the information that you have heard from the audio. 

What does Jamie order for his starter?

What does Sally order for her starter?

Do Jamie and Sally order the same main course?

What do Jamie and Sally order for their main course?

What do Jamie and Sally drink?

Do Jamie and Sally order a dessert?

Scan this OR code to listen to Audio 1.


LO: Students will be able to distinguish between major and minor concepts.

CO: Students will learn how to construct a creative menu and posters

L OBJ: students will able to construct a menu with own ideas based on the audio

Listen to audio 2 and you will listen to two friends ordering food and drinks at a restaurant. Students must construct a menu for the cuisine offered at the restaurant based on the audio above.

Scan this OR code to listen to Audio 2.


LO: Students will learn to employ active listening practises. Students will explore ways for taking detailed notes.

CO: Students will learn to take notes very fast and answer the questions with creating a mind map

L OBJ: students will learn to create a mind map based on the audio

Listen to audio 3 and you will hear a radio interview about a restaurant festival. Create a creative mind map based on the audio about food festival and answer the questions below.

How many restaurants took part in the festival in 2009?

What does each restaurant do at the festivals?

How does the festival help charities?

What does the Gourmet Odyssey offer people?

How much does the walking version of the Gourmet Odyssey cost?

Faye Wallis says……

Scan this OR code to listen to Audio 3.

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